I have decide to start blogging cool photo ideas for all of you! I will be blogging about creative ways to incorporate your engagements pictures on your wedding day. I will also share with you different trends in photography and in all wedding areas that my past brides have personalized their wedding day. Like old traditions with new twists. In most cases I will have a photograph to describe each trend or photo idea. I will also try to have any information about each idea that will help you, like a website and the cost of what I share with you. If you have an idea for me to add to my blog please go to my website and e-mail me on my contact page
http://www.amomentofjoyphotography.com .
My first photo idea comes from my Tahoe bride and groom last weekend! They had 10 of the engagement pictures I took and had them made into confetti and scattered it on the tables for the cocktail hour! I was so excited when I saw my pictures (their faces) on the tables! Too cute! You may recognize this couple, one of the engagements pictures I took of them is in the new Sacramento Bride and Groom magazine on page 20. (To get a free copy of the new magazine go to
http://www.sacbride.com ) They ordered the photofetti from the website
http://www.photofetti.com/ . The prices start at $25 for a guest list of 50 people...Happy Wedding Planning!